But I am working on it. I am doing my best to be in the moment and let each moment flow from the moment before into the next moment. It has not been easy, but it has its rewards.
Like with caramelized onions. In order to get them really sweet and toasty brown you have to cook them over a low heat for a long, long time. And when you think they are brown enough you have to cook them even longer. I would say no less than thirty minutes, but it doesn't always take the same amount of time.
What I have learned is to get them started first thing and let them do their thing while I work on whatever else I am cooking and check on them every five to ten minutes or so. I make sure to set the timer, though, so I don't forget about them. I would suggest that you do the same.
Why go to all that bother? Because caramelized onions are one of the beautiful things in life. They add an incredible depth of flavor to soups, stews, casseroles and flatbread. And having the patience to take the time to make them is a worthwhile endeavor.
Home Cooking v9.76 Chapter: Beans and Vegetables
CARAMELIZED ONIONS 2 large onions, slivered
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp butter
Melt butter and olive oil (or any combination of fat equal to 2 tablespoons) in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the slivered onions and stir to make sure every sliver is well coated with the oil. Cook until the onions are extremely soft and well browned, which can take anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. Stir occasionally to make sure the have a chance to brown evenly, adjusting the heat as necessary to make sure they don't burn.
exported from Home Cookin v9.76 (http://www.mountainsoftware.com/homecook.php)
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