And I know it may sound strange, but I don't believe I have ever used ground pork before. I think that is why I bought it back when I did - I have never done the three-meat loaf or ball and I have been curious as to how much that really impacts the texture and flavor. I still plan to try it, but not anytime soon.
So what to do with this ground pork? Something different, that's for sure. I could make a pasta sauce but I wanted to do something a little more exotic with it - it was pork after all. And I had just made the meat sauce and wasn't really in the mood for more of that.
I don't know when the idea of making something a little further south and east of Italy crossed my mind, but once it did, I could not get my mind off of making some kind of moussaka-inspired dish. Now I know that moussaka is made with lamb, but once I got the idea in my head it would not go away, so that is what I decided to make. I started on the sauce with the half-formed thought that I would turn it into some kind of baked casserole that resembled the dish, but I did not feel like making a full-out moussaka. Instead I chopped up the eggplant and cooked it with the meat sauce. Which left me with a humongous amount of sauce, and nowhere to put it.
I had such success with my earlier effort at stuffing peppers that I've been wanting to try it again. This time, instead of using couscous to bind the sauce, I added about a half a cup of grated pecorino romano cheese that I just happened to have on hand.
Now that I've had so much good luck with stuffing peppers, I am eager to see what else is out there that can be stuffed. Last time I was at the green market I noticed some beautiful round globes of green and yellow zucchini. Hmmm . . .
1/2 batch of Mediterranean-Style Ground Pork Sauce with Eggplant (recipe follows)
4 green peppers, tops cut off and seeded
1/2 cup freshly grated pecorino romano cheese
2 tsp freshly grated parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
Created 29 June 2008
Preheat oven to 350 deg. F.
Slice a tiny bit off of the bottom of the peppers if they do not stand upright, being careful not to cut through the bottom.
Mix meat sauce with pecorino romano cheese. Divide evenly among the four peppers. Top with grated parmesan cheese. Place in a shallow 8 x 8" baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes, until the peppers are slightly wrinkled and the parmesan cheese has turned golden brown.
Exported from Home Cookin 5.6 (
1 lb. ground pork
1 onion, chopped
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 24-oz. can crushed tomatoes
2 baby eggplant, chopped
1/2 cup white wine
1 cup chicken stock
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp cinnamon
salt and pepper to taste
Created 28 June 2008
Heat oil in large skillet. Add onions and garlic and cook for a few minutes, until translucent. Add pork, salt and pepper, and cook until meat is browned.
Add white wine, chicken stock, tomatoes, oregano and cinnamon. Taste for seasoning and adjust salt and pepper if necessary.
Let simmer over a low flame until the sauce has reduced until thickened so that you can run a wooden spoon across the bottom of the skillet and no liquid runs across the line created by the spoon.
Can be made ahead and refrigerated or frozen for later use.
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